Currently: When reading physical or kindle books I’ll highlight and take notes as I read. I generally am highlighting or take notes on parts of the story that I like or are important. I don’t focus on how I can talk about certain parts of a story while I’m reading. […]
Serendipity Entry #7: Love in Sickness
“My skin hurts.” She said. I remember thinking to myself how odd of a statement that was to make. I had never heard anyone say that before. I would only understand her sentiment hours later when she fell asleep on her bathroom floor after vomiting endlessly for the majority of […]
Serendipity Entry #6: In Pain and In Love
The seasons quickly changed. It went from Summer to Fall to Winter in an instant. Snow now covered buildings, roads, and driveways. A green landscape buried beneath. It was so cold that Icicles had formed on the bumper of my parent’s car. My head was pounding as we pulled out […]
Piranesi by Susanna Clarke: A Modern Classic
Piranesi is a mystery/fantasy novel written by Susanna Clarke. This novel is super short. It’s only 245 pages so I have to keep the summary vague and brief to avoid spoilers. This story details a house filled with statues and devastated by ocean currents. The halls of this house are […]
Serendipity Entry #5: Protesting for No Good Reason
We would take turns going to each other’s dorm room. Most of the time we’d be doing homework or studying. Sometimes we’d watch YouTube, Netflix, or movies. For months I had silently refused to sit on her bed or use her desk chair. I didn’t want to overstep any boundaries […]
Serendipity Entry #4: Sometimes Good Things Do Happen After Midnight
There was one night when we had to take care of our friends because they were too drunk. Drunk people can be super annoying. Especially people who drink to the point of blacking out which leaves them puking everywhere and basically immobile. We had to drag my roommate all the […]
Serendipity Entry #3: Simple Miscommunication
It had still been just weeks at this point. I was away for the weekend with my friends. We had been texting back and forth. That feeling of radiating heat was beginning to stick around with me more than not. The place that we were staying was a couple of […]
Blackout Poetry Entry #2: This is a Weird One
This is a super weird blackout poem. I didn’t mean for it to end up like this. Hope that you enjoy it anyway! Subscribe to my newsletter!
The Seer: An Incredibly Short Story
Once upon a time, there was a boy who couldn’t stop crying. All day and all night he would weep. No one, not his parents, priests at the local church, or fellow villagers could explain the boy’s circumstances. This hadn’t always been his fate. It seemed as tho one day […]
The Jade Setter of Janloon: Back in the World of Green Bones
The Jade Setter of Janloon is a novella written by Fonda Lee. The story is set in the same world as the Green Bone Saga. The events that take place in this story occur before the corresponding trilogy. The novella follows a young jade setter’s apprentice named Pulo Oritono. Pulo […]