Hi! My name is Brogan Quigley. I’m a master’s student at Montclair State University. Currently in the 5-year accounting program, studying for the CPA exam, and doing a part-time internship.
Although I am studying to become a professional accountant I have a lot of other interests. Those interests have led me to create this blog. Specifically, I’d like to use this platform to discuss my love of books. I love all kinds of books but the main genres I like to read are fiction (mostly fantasy) and thrillers.
At this moment the majority of these posts are going to be book reviews. There will also be posts about my favorite books in a specific genre, best books of the year, worst books of the year, my feelings toward ongoing series, etc. Also, I’m gonna try and keep a running list of what I’m currently reading along with what I’m going to be reading (TBR).
Some of my other interests are professional sports such as soccer and basketball, as well as movies and TV. Posts regarding those subjects will probably be pretty scarce to start at least.
At the moment I’m working to catch up on writing reviews for the books I’ve already read. As I started working backward in reviews from most recent to least recent I realized how hard it is to review a book that I’ve read so long ago. Unfortunately, I have a feeling that the reviews for the books that I read a lot earlier aren’t going to be as in-depth. As a frame of reference, the most recent book that I’ve read is The Sword of Kaigen which I finished last week. The earliest book that I’m going to be including in my reviews is The Perks of Being a Wallflower which I finished reading in March of 2022. In total there are 46 books to catch up on spanning a year.
Once that project is complete posts should be published at a more normal rate. I’m hoping to post one to two book reviews and one post of some other nature per week. Of course, there will be weeks when there are more or fewer posts than usual. Please, bear with me as I work out the kinks.
To wrap up (if anyone is reading this) I’d like to say thank you for even clicking on this website. For those of you who do read this post and future posts, I am truly grateful! Who knows maybe one day this thing will blow up!
Thanks again,
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