A slump is such a weird feeling
Feeling like you aren’t right. Feeling like you can’t go forward from where you stand. Feeling disinterested where you once were interested.
Reading slumps for me have been relatively rare.
If my memory serves me correctly the last one that I had was a couple of months ago. What I’m feeling at the moment isn’t necessarily a slump. That seems to be part of it but not the main obstacle.
At the moment, the thought of reading a long, dense book is extremely off-putting.
For a while that is strictly what I’d been searching for. The majority of the novels I was consuming were super-long fantasy epics. I was loving every minute of it.
Now, I want nothing to do with it and that includes the genre of fantasy as a whole.
I’m completely disinterested. It’s too much for my brain to handle. These past couple of weeks I’ve been struggling to get through ‘The Grace of Kings’ by Ken Liu. That is a novel that I’d normally love. To be honest I really was enjoying it. I ditched it at about midway. It was so dense and had so many moving parts that my brain wouldn’t let me continue.
It really is a shame because I know at some point I’m gonna pick that series back up and absolutely love it.
For now, that means I’ll have to find books that are super intriguing to me.
Hopefully, this reading burnout/slump doesn’t last forever.
Thank you for reading,