I’ve been meditating for over a month now and I’m starting to see the benefits. My energy levels are more consistent. Overthinking has become less of an issue.
The benefits are great and I will continue to practice meditation every day no matter what. However, the benefits aren’t the ultimate goal of meditation. I’d like to add a specific goal to raise the stakes of my meditation practice. Inserting a goal will make things more enjoyable. One of the big reasons that people meditate is to learn how to become a ‘witness’. A ‘witness’ is a state of consciousness where you are observant of your own thoughts as they come and go in your mind. This skill allows you to free yourself from merging with thoughts. It gives an individual a clear mind and the ability to recognize their own consciousness.
The ultimate goal for me is to achieve this state of ‘witness’. It’s extremely hard to master. I’m fairly new to meditation practices and find it super difficult to observe thoughts. It’s become second nature for me to merge with thought. You quickly realize that you aren’t your thoughts and yet it’s still hard to break free.
I will continue to practice observing my thoughts in meditation and through daily life! Thank you for reading!
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