How do you know if something is truly worth it? Is it a feeling? A presence? A sense of clarity? You put all of your efforts into achieving a goal just to question whether it was worth your time. If that time spent working on a goal is determined to be worthless, is that time now lost? Can that worthless time be turned into something meaningful? Is time ever lost? Is all time spent a potential learning experience no matter the worth? Maybe life is one big learning experience. In some aspects, it seems to be that way. Learning is essential to living. Both things go hand in hand. Why live if not to learn, grow, and improve? Without that is life worth living? Especially when death is imminent. Death is always watching. In the distance, death creeps along at a mild pace, observing. It holds power over us all. We know from birth that one day death will be victorious. What is the point then? Is the point to do things that are worth our time? Maybe, but that doesn’t seem like a satisfying enough answer. How can one find purpose when there truly is none? That might be the beauty in life. Finding purpose when there is none.
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