There are three things that everyone can do to have a ‘better’ life. Let’s define better as happier and healthier. FYI these are not original ideas but information I’ve gleaned from other sources and implemented into my own life resulting in positive impacts. Implementing any of these three things will […]
What are Ways to Feel Peace Inside Myself?
Unfortunately, the answer to this question is fairly subjective. People find peace inside themselves in different ways. Here are some ways I find peace within myself daily: These are just some examples of things that you can do throughout your day to find peace. If these don’t help then I […]
The Wim Hof Method: A Year Later
A year ago I went through a bit of an existential crisis. During that eye-opening experience, I came across Wim Hof’s book titled: The Wim Hof Method: Activate Your Full Human Potential. Without reading this book my life would still be on a steady decline. At the time I was […]
Meditation: How to View Consciousness
Recently, at least for the past 15 days (consecutively), I’ve been using Sam Harris’ “Waking Up” app. Specifically, I’ve been going through his introductory course on meditation. In this introductory course, he discusses our view of consciousness. Most people (including myself) view consciousness as behind our eyes, but it’s more […]
Meditation: Becoming the Witness
I’ve been meditating for over a month now and I’m starting to see the benefits. My energy levels are more consistent. Overthinking has become less of an issue. The benefits are great and I will continue to practice meditation every day no matter what. However, the benefits aren’t the ultimate […]
An Introduction to the Health Tab: Documenting My Health Journey
This tab is mainly going to be about what the title indicates. Here is where I will post about milestones, goals, and thoughts about health and wellness. Posting on this particular tab will be less frequent, at least for now. At the moment I have no intention of making this […]